
Kids and Families Together
Contact: Rachel Pletcher at or 805-643-1446 ext 106
Kids and Families Together strengthens relationships by providing safe, supportive help that keeps family members emotionally connected to one another. Specialized training and support for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Topics include: attachment, trauma, therapeutic parenting, teaming, development/teen issues, and more.

Country of Ventura Human Services Agency
Working together in every community to offer support, hope and opportunity for improved well-being. We understand that our systems are complex, and that individuals and families benefit from experiencing “no wrong door” to services. We commit to leveraging a multi-disciplinary team approach to meet the unique and comprehensive needs of individuals and families, centering their voice and engagement in collaboration with our diverse partner network to ensure equitable access, opportunity and outcomes.

Child Development Resources (CDR)
Contact: Sylvia Lerma at
Provides training for child care centers and family child care providers. Topics include: trauma-informed care, emergency preparedness, CPR, and more.

Interface Children and Family Services
Contact: Raquel Montes at or 805-485-6114 ext 616
Interface’s Family Violence Intervention Services (FVIS) provides comprehensive family violence programming that aims to prevent, interrupt, and end the cycle of violence within family systems. FVIS facilitates a 40-hour domestic violence training designed for individuals providing services for victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE)
Contact: Rhonda Carlson at or 805-289-6181
Provides quality education and training opportunities to the caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet their children’s educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs. Offices located at Oxnard & Ventura Colleges with classes on a wide range of parenting topics in locations throughout Ventura County.

Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families
Contact: or 805-366-4064
Provides training mandated by California Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing for Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) providers, current and prospective Resource Families (foster, adoptive, and kinship), and community-based organizations serving foster youth.

Partnership for Safe Families/Child Abuse Prevention Council
A collaborative non-profit organization providing inter-agency coordination, networking, advocacy, public awareness, and education to prevent child abuse, neglect, and family violence across the lifespan.

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Contact: Janet Barron at or 805-389-3120
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Ventura County provides an in-depth 40 hour initial training course, as well as a wide range of continuing education topics (most of which are also open to the public), to Advocates of abused and neglected court-dependent children.

Ventura County Children & Family Services
Contact: Toni Ayres-Hampton at or 805-477-5177
Provides training for social workers, partner agencies, and community partners focusing on strengths based practice in a variety of specialized topics, with the guiding belief that every child is entitled to thrive through stability, family connections, and quality treatment. All training topics strive to integrate the State Integrated Core Practice Model components of prevention, engagement, assessment, planning and service delivery, monitoring and adapting, and transition.